
Yes, the Lady of the Manners does review things here on Gothic Charm School from time to time. Music, books, makeup, clothing, accessories … just about anything that catches her attention, really. Reviews are filed under the Show And Tell category.

Are you interested in having your particular shiny thing reviewed at Gothic Charm School? The physical mailing address is:

Jillian Venters
P.O. Box 70331
Seattle, WA

Please keep in mind that sending things to Gothic Charm School does not guarantee a review will be posted to Gothic Charm School. While I would love to be able to review everything everyone sends me, there are a lot of other things the Lady of the Manners needs to do, and there are many, many pretty shiny things out there. Also, Gothic Charm School will not accept anything that is “postage due”, for obvious reasons.

FTC Disclosure statement!

Beginning December 1, 2009, the FTC requires bloggers to provide disclosures whenever there could be hidden interests or unspoken biases related to recommendations. What this means at Gothic Charm School is this: if I review a product, service, event, or other thing that has been provided to me, I will state that in the review. If I don’t say that whatever I’m reviewing was sent to me, that means that I spent my own money on it.

Does having something sent to me mean I’m going to be biased and give something a glowing review when it doesn’t deserve it? Don’t be silly. If I don’t like something, don’t worry, I’ll say so.