Monthly Archives: July 2002

Flirting and Dating and Romance, Oh My!

Hello Faithful Readers, and welcome to another month’s gentle lecturing at Gothic Charm School. This month the topic is one that the Lady of the Manners really didn’t think she’d need to hold forth on, but conversations in her little corner of the “scene” have (once again) proven her wrong.

Flirting and dating.

Now admittedly, those two things can cause a lot of angst, tortured internal monologues, and long phone calls or emails to close friends. That’s fine. However, all of that should NOT be prompted by glaring lapses in common courtesy or manners by one or both parties. The Lady of the Manners was shocked, shocked she tells you, by some of the tales of woe related to her recently by friends. With that in mind, the Lady of the Manners offers to you, her Faithful Readers, a handy list of rules for flirting and dating. The Lady of the Manners wouldn’t go so far as to suggest you print it out and carry it with you at all times, but perhaps multiple readings would be helpful. Continue reading

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Flirting and Dating and Romance, Oh My!

Hello Faithful Readers, and welcome to another month’s gentle lecturing at Gothic Charm School. This month the topic is one that the Lady of the Manners really didn’t think she’d need to hold forth on, but conversations in her little corner of the “scene” have (once again) proven her wrong.

Flirting and dating.

Now admittedly, those two things can cause a lot of angst, tortured internal monologues, and long phone calls or emails to close friends. That’s fine. However, all of that should NOT be prompted by glaring lapses in common courtesy or manners by one or both parties. The Lady of the Manners was shocked, shocked she tells you, by some of the tales of woe related to her recently by friends. With that in mind, the Lady of the Manners offers to you, her Faithful Readers, a handy list of rules for flirting and dating. The Lady of the Manners wouldn’t go so far as to suggest you print it out and carry it with you at all times, but perhaps multiple readings would be helpful. Continue reading

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