Monthly Archives: October 2018

Stereotype Technology: Romantigoth!

Snarklings across various social media sites have requested Stereotype Technology posts that focus on specific substyles of goth fashion, with helpful hints for searching out the wardrobe pieces. Never one to shy from window shopping for goth clothing, the Lady of the Manners decided to start with the style she favored back in the 90s: Romantigoth!

Romantigoth is different from vampire goth fashion or Victorian goth fashion; it’s a subtle distinction, but it’s there. All three styles would be good for midnight picnics or visiting the Addams Family, but the Victorian side is more prim and funereal, while vampire goth tries for an undercurrent of ”Yes, I have a fabulous velvet-lined coffin hiding in the depths of my ancestral castle”. Continue reading

Posted in Being Fashionable, General, Stereotype Technology | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments

You Don’t Have to Be Neurotypical

As the Lady of the Manners has mentioned before, she is frequently humbled by some of the heartfelt, heartsore letters that Snarklings have written to Gothic Charm School. And the Lady of the Manners often worries that she isn’t really able to help; she’s a well-meaning Internet Auntie, not a professional. But even with those concerns, she IS determined to help as much as she’s able, because that’s what everyone should do. Sometimes the help is focused on music, clothing, and books, and sometimes it’s focused on reassuring people that they are a goth. And sometimes, it’s a little bit of both. Continue reading

Posted in Fashion, Growing Pains, Serious Matters | Tagged , , , | 17 Comments