Monthly Archives: December 2000

Small Town Goth

Hello, Faithful Readers, and welcome to December’s edition of Gothic Charm School. This month we have a letter from a reader to answer; a letter that contains a few questions AND a compliment for the Lady of the Manners. The Lady of the Manners likes getting compliments very much, but will answer reader concerns that come without compliments. Really. Even tho’ the Lady of the Manners has been told of late that she looks quite fetching in her new hat. But, enough of preening! Onwards to the Delicate Query of Our Reader.

Dear Gothic Charm School,

I must first offer my shameless worship of whom I believe to be one of the last true “ladies” in this new era of goth. Also I wish to commend you on your quest to reinstate manners among the mass of goth society. to quote an now departed friend of mine: “It is just common courtesy, and without it you are just common.” Continue reading

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