Monthly Archives: June 2009

Of Events, And Of Finding The Gothic Charm School Book In The Wild!

Snarklings! The Lady of the Manners is incredibly giddy with how well the release party for the Gothic Charm School book went! Swarms of you turned up at the University Village Barnes & Noble in Seattle, and made the Lady of the Manners feel very loved indeed. Thank you.

Speaking of events: remember there are Gothic Charm School reading & signing events in San Francisco/Burlingame and Los Angeles this weekend! Come meet the Lady of the Manners and Pete Venters, the book’s illustrator! Continue reading

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Of TV Interviews And Picnics In New York!

Exciting news, Snarklings of the Pacific Northwest! The Lady of the Manners will be on Seattle-area TV! (The Lady of the Manners is very excited about this, and could probably continue to use exclamation points about it throughout this entire post. But she will try to restrain her exuberant punctuation, for the sake of everyone’s sanity.)

Yes, the Lady of the Manners was interviewed about Gothic Charm School and the upcoming book by Seattle KING 5’sEvening Magazine. The episode featuring Gothic Charm School airs on Monday, June 22nd 2009, at 7:00PM PST. The Lady of the Manners doesn’t know when in the episode her segment will air, just that it is scheduled for Monday, June 22nd.

But wait! There’s also exciting news for East Coast Snarklings! You clever creatures who have been looking at the Events! page know about the reading & signing that the Lady of the Manners is doing in New York at the Mysterious Bookshop on July 17th. Well! The very next day, from 1:00 ”“ 4:00PM, there is going to be a Gothic Charm School picnic/tea/wear-your-best-gothy-finery party at the historic Green-Wood Cemetery! Yes, the afternoon of July 18th will be a very fancy event, indeed. The Lady of the Manners will be posting more details about the picnic at Green-Wood, don’t you worry, Snarklings. But she wanted to tell everyone the news right away, so people in the NYC area could mark their calendars and start making plans. Continue reading

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Presenting Video Number Three!

Oh gracious, Snarklings, has another week scurried by already? If so, surely you know what that means: time for another Gothic Charm School video!

Remember how in Gothic Charm School: Video The Second, the Lady of the Manners talked about some common questions and assumptions about Goth? (You do remember that, don’t you? The Lady of the Manners would be very sad to think that you didn’t watch the video.) Well, in the third and final (for now, perhaps) Gothic Charm School video, the Lady of the Manners finally turns her attention to her fellow Goths and offers up some advice about how to deal with such questions and the attention they may receive. Continue reading

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Imminent Radio Interview! And Helpful Clicky-Links

An Internet radio interview, Snarklings! The Lady of the Manners is going to be interviewed on the radio show on Sunday, June 14th, at 10:30PM PST. Be sure to tune in!

The Lady of the Manners would also like to remind you to scoot over to the Events! page here at Gothic Charm School, because she would love to see lots of you Snarklings at the various stops on the Gothic Charm School book tour.

And in other exciting news, the Gothic Charm School book is also available on Kindle, and Kindle for the iPhone! Continue reading

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Presenting Video The Second!

So remember last week, Snarklings, when the Lady of the Manners unveiled the first of the videos to promote Gothic Charm School and the upcoming book? Well guess what? It’s time for the second video! This one is about common questions and assumptions that Goths are confronted with all the time. Questions such as “Is that a costume?’ and “Are you a vampire?” Assumptions such as that we’re all depressed, and all support ourselves by working in coffee shops or doing tech support on the graveyard shift. Continue reading

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Gothic Charm School: The First Video!

Oh Snarklings, the Lady of the Manners is all aflutter with excitement about what she has to share with you in this post! Because this is the post unveiling the first Gothic Charm School video! Continue reading

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