Show And Tell! Or, More Reviews.

Welcome to Show and Tell at Gothic Charm School! Show and Tell is how reviews are going to be labeled from now on, as the Lady of the Manners is planning on writing more reviews. (In addition to answering reader questions, not instead of!)

What sorts of reviews? Music, books, clothing, cosmetics, hats, boots, jewelry… any random shiny thing that catches my eye and ends up in my gloved clutches, really. It’s also a place at Gothic Charm School that’s a bit more relaxed, where the writing will be a little less formal. In other words, the Lady of the Manners is going to dispense with the third-person frivolity, and well, generally flail and burble about things.

Are you interested in having your particular shiny thing reviewed at Gothic Charm School? Send an email to me! The physical mailing address is:

Gothic Charm School
P.O. Box 70331
Seattle, WA

Please keep in mind that sending things to Gothic Charm School does not guarantee a review will be posted to Gothic Charm School. While I would love to be able to review everything everyone sends me, there are a lot of other things I need to do, and there are many, many pretty shiny things out there. So yes, please send me an email!

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