Search Results for: hmmm

Of Differences of Opinion. And IKEA.

Why is it, Snarklings, that Some People are compelled to respond to any difference of opinion by being rude and abrasive? Why Some People, when faced with someone who doesn’t agree with them, resort to insults, which are usually quickly followed by “OMG, it’s a JOKE!!! You’re SO stupid for getting upset!”

You see, what the Lady of the Manners is trying to figure out is why Those Sorts don’t understand that indulging in that sort of behavior is rude. Mocking people who disagree with you doesn’t make you look clever, and it certainly doesn’t sway people to agree with you.

Hmmm. Perhaps the Lady of the Manners should back up a bit, and explain what prompted this particular post. Did all of you know about the IKEA advertisement that mentioned Goths, Snarklings? Oh yes, last week IKEA had an ad with the text ”Brightens up your grad’s dorm. Unlike a creepy gothic roommate, who can be a bad influence.” Continue reading

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On Dealing With Relatives. And Security Guards.

Hmmm. The Lady of the Manners said she was probably going to talk about Dealing With Parents for the November lesson, didn’t she? Well, Snarklings, is Dealing With Parents and Relatives During the Holidays close enough? The Lady of the Manners will even include a bonus lesson of how to politely deal with being harassed by security guards at shopping establishments, which is probably a very timely topic, what with the holiday shopping season looming near and all.

So. The holidays (as the media is so fond of reminding us) are a time for family. Which the Lady of the Manners agrees with, actually, but the Lady of the Manners realizes that not everyone is lucky enough to have family who accept them for who they are. The Lady of the Manners is also aware that it’s a bit difficult to be full of holiday cheer when arguments about “You aren’t going to your grandparents dressed like that!” are ringing through the air instead of, say, sleigh bells.

First things first: there is no such thing as a picture-perfect holiday celebration, and the Lady of the Manners is sure that you know that. But! No matter how aware of that you (and probably your family) are, that doesn’t change the fact that deep in everyone’s heart of hearts, they think that if they just do the right thing, say the right words, then they WILL have that greeting card”“perfect holiday. And there’s nothing wrong with striving for that; just keep in mind that you may need to be a little more patient and accommodating than usual. Continue reading

Posted in General, Holidays & Special Occasions | Leave a comment

A Random Assortment of Things

Oh … dear. The Lady of the Manners would like to apologize for the complete and utter lack of a December lesson. The Lady of the Manners won’t say that the entire month of December sped right past without her noticing, but she is rather surprised at how … quickly January seemed to creep up on her.

So! To make amends for missing a month, the Lady of the Manners is going to answer a random assortment from some of the many questions that readers have sent in. No going on and on (and on and on) about any one pet peeve topic, but a wealth of questions and rants answers. Don’t you feel giddy at the very idea? (Just smile and nod at the Lady of the Manners, Snarklings. It makes the Lady of the Manners feel like you’re paying attention.)
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Goths and School

Hello, Faithful Readers, and welcome to the long-promised “Goths and School” column. Yes, the Lady of the Manners is following through on what she promised last month, no more wild tangents about weddings or other social events.

So. Right. School. Hmmm. Continue reading

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Hello Faithful Readers, and welcome to March’s rousing rendition of Gothic Charm School. *This* month the Lady of the Manners is finally going to make good on something she’s been muttering about for a couple months now. That’s right, the long-threatened LiveJournal etiquette rant! Er ”¦ column.
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Fashion Police and Copycats

Hello Faithful Readers, and welcome to July at Gothic Charm School. This month, the Lady of the Manners is going to write about a topic near and dear to her heart – and no, it isn’t the usual “summer is here and it’s too warm to do anything but lay about and eat ice cream” topic. No no, this month the Lady of the Manners is going to talk about Goths and Style.

This came about because the Lady of the Manners has been hearing all sorts of grumbles lately about “so and so stole my style!” or “someone accused me of ripping off their look!” Gothic Charm Schoolhas been so bombarded by this topic it that the Lady of the Manners felt compelled to say something about it. Continue reading

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Hats, Lipstick, and “Poseurs”

This month, the Lady of the Manners is going to answer a hodgepodge of questions from her Faithful Readers. You see, the weather in Gothic Charm School’s area is being lovely and balmy right now, and the Lady of the Manners is finding it . . . difficult to not run away from her computer and go have tea on the lawn. Which is why there isn’t a unifying theme to this month’s column, but rather a charming assortment of topics. Starting off with a question from Noah, who emailed Gothic Charm School the very day the May column went up. Continue reading

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A Hodgepodge of Questions

Hello Faithful Readers, and welcome to the March edition of Gothic Charm School. This month, the Lady of the Manners answers a hodge-podge of questions and marvels at some misconceptions that are floating around out there in Internet-land. Continue reading

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Romantic Gestures

Greetings, Faithful Readers, and welcome to the February installment of Gothic Charm School. You know what February means, don’t you? The annual column about love and romance, you silly things! Continue reading

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