Yearly Archives: 2017

The 2017 Holiday Gift Guide!

It’s that time of year, Snarklings! Holiday gifting time! The Lady of the Manners has spent a not-inconsiderable amount of time talking to artisans and creators (and window-shopping in the process) to bring you a list of enticing goodies in a wide selection of price ranges! Continue reading

Posted in Holidays & Special Occasions | 2 Comments

Of Goth and Halloween Costumes

Quite simply, it is not rude to dress as a goth for Halloween. Continue reading

Posted in Holidays & Special Occasions | Tagged | 8 Comments

A Short Post on Dealing with Elitist, Gother-Than-Thou Types

Elitists. Gatekeepers. People who say “You’re not a REAL goth unless”. The Gother-Than-Thou scourge of our subculture, and a persistent problem that many of you keep running into. So here: A selection of questions and (slightly rewritten) answers. Continue reading

Posted in Being Social, General | Tagged , , , | 17 Comments

Summer Goth – Avoiding the Burning Orb

Snarklings, it’s time for a seasonal column. By which the Lady of the Manners means that in the hemisphere she lives in, it’s summer; her least favorite season. ::shudders::

Forgive the Lady of the Manners her melodramatic turn, Snarklings. There are many goths who like, nay, even adore summer! Warm weather! Longer days! More plentiful outdoor activities! There are those who are kind of meh about the whole sunlight thing. Then there are those (the Lady of the Manners included) who thanks to genetics, illnesses, medications, or who knows what else, don’t deal well with prolonged exposure to sunlight. (As the Lady of the Manners has said before, eventually she’ll develop the fun symptoms of vampirism, like mind control.) Continue reading

Posted in Fashion, General | Tagged , | 14 Comments

Of Gifts and Relationship Talks

Snarklings, the Lady of the Manners didn’t intend to lapse into silence again, really she didn’t! But there was work, and travel, and then more work, and even more travel. And, well. Time scampered on by, as it does. Yes, the Lady of the Manners was posting fairly regularly over on Tumblr and Instagram (where, if you go back in the archives to the beginning of May, you’ll find photos from Bats Day and the Vampire Masquerade Ball, which was part of the aforementioned travel), but that’s not the same as writing posts for Gothic Charm School!

So! The Lady of the Manners is slowly excavating the Gothic Charm School inbox, and getting back into the swing of answering reader questions! Continue reading

Posted in Love & Romance | 9 Comments

A Selection of Questions and Answers

Hello Snarklings! Please accept the Lady of the Manners’ heartfelt apologies for the lack of posts the past few months; while she’s been relatively active over on Tumblr and Instagram, the ongoing chaos of daily life has meant there’s been precious little time for sitting down and answering letters. But! Gothic Charm School has returned, and will (one hopes) settle back into a routine of regular posts. However, enough with the explanations and apologies, it’s time for letters! Continue reading

Posted in Elder Goths, Fashion, General, Growing Pains, Serious Matters | 12 Comments

Repeating Some Important and Helpful Information

(Regular posting will resume here at Gothic Charm School in February. Things have been very chaotic and stressful lately, which has led to a lack of writing.)

The Lady of the Manners gets political: The world has become a much scarier place for a lot of us, and we need to pull together. Continue reading

Posted in General, Important Announcements, Serious Matters | Tagged , , | 4 Comments